sexta-feira, 25 de abril de 2014


Reinforce foundations of cooperative actions

For Mark Schwingel , manager Sicredi Education Foundation , a foundation set up is easy: just draw the status and submit it to the prosecutor . Difficult, however , is to define your purpose . " This needs to be well thought out , well planned . Ours, for example, is to be present with education and culture in each place where there is a cooperative , "he explains .

He recalls that , in the philosophy of the cooperative , the intention is to " make " not " to do ." And there must be a lot of dialogue regarding the proposed entity . " A foundation can not be born with the aim of finding resources tax incentive . This is a means , not an end . The project stems from a demand . Then we'll figure out where to look for resources to afford it . "

For Central Cooperative Aurora Foods , the main advantage achieved by maintaining Luis Aury Bodanese Foundation is developing the seventh principle of the cooperative , ie , the interest for the community . But its existence is also relevant for working the millennium goals that are important to society and to the cooperative system .

One of the major challenges for the creation of a foundation in the evaluation of Aurora, is changing attitudes , requiring the permanent citizenship. Another concern is accountability , that foundations must submit to the prosecutor . One must always be in accordance with the guidelines of the organ, which involves a considerable amount of bureaucratic procedures .

Mark Schwingel , manager Sicredi Education Foundation

Schwingel , the Sicredi Foundation , adds that it is necessary to study very early - a year or more , even. You need very strong theoretical foundation and social mobilization . " Five years ago , we developed a strategic work to facilitate the cooperative is perennial . In our foundation is very strong responsibility of the presidents of each cooperative in implementing the projects . The foundation has a president, but that does not diminish the responsibility of each cooperative , each of your employees . "

To realize all this planning , the foundation does not need to have a large structure . With 113 cooperatives presence in ten countries and 2.4 million members , Sicredi plays his foundation with just eight employees . In the first three years of existence , there were only three . The reason ? Is that each cooperative is effectively responsible for sensitization , mobilization of the community.

Administrators Aurora remember , however, that cooperatives do not necessarily create a foundation to develop projects and programs . A well-structured department with budget and planning , is sufficient to develop various activities in the social , cultural and environmental areas .


The Foundation for Educational and Cultural Development of Cooperative Credit System - Sicredi Foundation aims to structure , develop and coordinate educational programs that promote the credit union and the formation of associates. To do so , develops a series of actions paras communities where cooperatives are . So not only caters to members and their families, but to all people of where Sicredi is present .

It was founded in 2005 , but actually began operations in late 2006 . Today , there are ten ongoing projects , which were submitted to the Ministry of Culture to obtain tax benefits . The projects are developed in a system of employees . It could be a play , a campaign of consumer awareness , participation in fairs . All this in the context of cooperative education , with its own methodology , keeping the same values ​​that encourages Schwingel account . And the Foundation also assesses how these values ​​are absorbed .

The Sicredi Foundation qualified as Civil Society Organizations of Public Interest ( OSCIPs ) in 2010 . This recognition facilitates partnerships and agreements with the levels of government and public agencies ( federal, state and municipal) , and allows obtaining donations made ​​by companies , which may be deducted from income tax .

To achieve its goals , the Foundation raises funds in the form of grants , waivers and / or tax incentives , subsidized public programs , sponsorship of governmental and non -governmental national and / or foreign . These resources are intended for fixed investments or maintenance of projects , programs and other activities of Sicredi Foundation .


The Foundation's activities Aury Luiz Bodanese , Aurora Cooperative , started in 1996 , initially with the aim of carrying out agreements with specialized companies and medical , hospital, dental and pharmacy for the benefit of its members assistance services as well as promoting cultural activities , recreational and leisure activities , as well as additional benefits of the statutory system of social security.

In 2007 , its statutes were amended to cater for changes in legislation . Today , defines their role as foster, promote , coordinate , and implement joint programs , projects and actions related to environmental, cultural and social development . All this to enhance the human being and contribute to the exercise of citizenship .

Programs Aury Luiz Bodanesi Foundation are developed around three core areas: environmental ( lawsuits related to environmental preservation and education ) ; cultural ( access to cultural events through activities that promote interaction of people ) and social ( activities aimed at social and personal well -being , for autonomy , health , democracy and citizenship ) .

The Foundation Luis Aury Bodanese maintains an interdisciplinary to perform their programs , developed through partnerships with educational and social public agencies and private entities , but does not relieve the volunteer team, allowing the participation of community members in organizing lectures, meetings , workshops , seminars , exhibitions , courses and competitions and the production of educational materials . Over the past six years the Foundation Aury Luiz Bodanese held 4,415 shares , which involved 599,796 people.

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