quarta-feira, 9 de abril de 2014


German agricultural cooperatives arouses interest of Brazilians
Group of cooperative leaders visited cooperatives and attended lectures

Brasilia ( 8 / 04 ) - The Brazilian delegation formed by 27 cooperative leaders today visited the credit union Loyalty , located in Hamm , Germany. The group had the opportunity to know more deeply the structure of one of the most traditional German credit cooperatives . The visit comes as part of the programming of the fifth class of the Training Program for Executives and Leaders Cooperativists developed by Ocepar in partnership with Sebrae / PR and , with support from the OCB system , whose general manager , Tanya Zanella , is integral .

Yesterday , the group attended a lecture on agribusiness and European policy , focusing on agricultural cooperatives working with meat processing . The activity took place in the German city of Hohenhein .

Tomorrow the Brazilian delegation will reach Muenster city where a lecture on cooperatives in the region will be held . The meeting takes place at the University of Muenster . In the afternoon a visit to the cooperative meat processing , WESTFLEISCH is planned .

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