quinta-feira, 10 de abril de 2014


FIELD DAY The Cooperative Dairy Alagoas ( CPLA ) met on Sunday , 6 , about 35 milk producers in the rural municipality of Campo Alegre , for over a field day . The purpose of the event was to warn producers about the importance of controlling bovine diseases such as brucellosis and tuberculosis .

On the occasion, the participants attended the lecture of the livestock consultant Otto Portela on vaccination practice , importance of controlling bovine tuberculosis and brucellosis . The creators could also ask questions about cattle ranching . Moreover , vaccination of calves followed against brucellosis , and the launch of the first rural municipality Association , the Rural Countryside .

For the agronomist of CPLA , Glauco Yves , the activity provides a significant incentive for diversification of activity in the municipality . " Campo Alegre is a region of cane sugar. Today we managed to install the Milk Program , which will diversify the activity in the region , thereby generating more income , and strengthen the action of the CPLA with the family farmer , "he emphasized .

Leonardo Monteiro , Secretary of Agriculture of Campo Alegre , also spoke about the importance of the event . " Historically the municipality of Campo Alegre lived monoculture of sugar cane , today , with the support of the municipality , we are diversifying activities . Then we have the launch of the first rural municipality Association , will talk about vaccination , and present to the dairy producers who will come for the milk produced in Campo Alegre "he explained.

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