quarta-feira, 9 de abril de 2014


Bahia promote its Third Meeting of Women tomorrow
Event is primarily engaged in actions aimed at consolidating the growth of women's participation in cooperative Bahia
Brasilia ( 9 / 04 ) - The labor force of women , as well as its technical importance to the administration of Bahian cooperatives , give the keynote of the Third State Meeting Women Cooperativists promoted by OCB System / BA . The event is scheduled for tomorrow and will take place in Salvador ( BA ) .

This meeting 's main objective is to consolidate in practice actions aimed effectively to the growing participation of women in Bahia cooperative .


8am - Breakfast Welcome and material delivery ( participants will use the shirt in turquoise color)8:40 a.m. - Opening : President of OCEB System
9am - musicada Lecture 1 : The Five Essential Questions - José Antonio SAJA with the participation of musicians : Marcio Guedes , Camilla Baker and Felipe Mota
10h - Lecture 2 : The Power of Liking - prof . Victoriano Garrido
11am - Lecture 3 : A Real Woman - Dr. Luislinda Valois ( 1st black judge from Brazil )
12pm - Lunch (offered by Sescoop / BA )
13h - Debate : Suggestions from participants for improving work in cooperatives and development of the cooperative system in Bahia - Taise Cunha
16h - Artistic Presentation : " Piaba : the Show" - Renato Piaba
17h - Closure with coffee break and delivery of certificates
more information

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