sábado, 5 de abril de 2014


Bahian Government supports industry-first deployment of meat smokehouse

Photo: Daniela Silva / Press Seagri

Giving priority to decentralization of development to the interior of Bahia and strengthening agribusiness , should be implemented in an agribusiness Maragogipe for the production of meat smokehouse , on a technical basis , according to requirements of federal and state legislation , benefiting over 30 family farmers the region , under a cooperative .

With this investment , which should involve a partnership between the state Department of Agriculture ( Seagram ) , the Association of Producers of Meat Meats Maragogipe , the city hall , the Shipyard 's Paraguassu ( EEP ) , Sebrae and the State Agency for Defense agricultural Bahia ( Adab ) , the body responsible for preparing the project, according to the director of inspection Adab , Adriano Bouzas , about 200 direct jobs and about 600 indirect jobs will be generated . " The deployment of this industry will strengthen and structure the production of peculiar delicacies of the region , such as beef and smoked pork and smoked sausage . With the optimization of production , meat smoker , reference throughout Brazil , may be exported to , "emphasized the State Secretary of Agriculture , Jairo Carneiro .

At a meeting held this week at Seagram , with the participation of the segments involved in the project , it was agreed that the decision of deploying steps must be signed within 60 days.

The project will rely on the advice of Sebrae in guiding management in building a business plan and training of producers . Is expected also the facility sales points of smoked in front of a processing unit , which will be addressed by the strategic location , high traffic , visibility and traffic flow . " There is the possibility of geographic certification, on account of the centennial tradition of this traditional delicacy Maragogipe , which will value and further differentiate the product from any other on the market ," said the analyst technician Agribusiness Sebrae in Bahia , Edirlan Miranda .

"I saw my father , now 75 years old, producing meat smokehouse . This is a tradition that passes from father to son and needs to be strengthened . Today producers suffer a lot by having to work the margin of legality , which has generated untold losses for producers , but we hope to see everything change with the implementation of the processing of smoked industry , "said Simone Santos , one of the representatives traders meat smokehouse Maragogipe responsible for cooperative producers of smoked region . She reiterates that " most families have the support in the production of meat smokehouse and porcine , so this production structure is to ensure stability for the future of these people ."

The Seagram , according to the secretary Jairo Carneiro , beyond the technical design prepared by Adab , provide technical assistance and participation also in deployment costs , along with other partners , following the guidance of the Bahian government in defense of small farmers and pastoralists .

Source : Ascom Seagri - April 4, 2013

- See more at : http://www.seagri.ba.gov.br/noticias/2014/04/04/governo-baiano-ap%C3%B3ia-implanta%C3%A7%C3%A3o-de-primeira-ind%C3%BAstria-de-carne-de-fumeiro#sthash.Aimh1NVb.dpuf

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